
Guadagnare Fare Soldi e Guadagnare con BLOG e MiniSiti Posizionamento


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giovedì 12 luglio 2007

cari amici

Ho scoperto un interessantissimo sistema per guadagnare su internet!Voglio farvelo conoscere e farvi capire quanto sia semplice e veloce.Potreste guadagnare gia da subito se leggete bene quello che viene scritto qui a fianco!Spero che in seguito potremo scambiare opinioni ed esperienze!

Salutoni da laura

9 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

insegnami a fare tanti soldi.... come devo fare?

Pitt ha detto...

questo blog è...

Un brutto volantino pubblicitario che trovi sull'auto appena lavata.

laurabi ha detto...

se sapessi come modificarlo......

Paolo Orlando ha detto...

Cara Laurabi,il commento di pitt parla da se nessuno lo obbliga a leggerlo il volantino pubblicitario cmq dai un occhiata a e scambiamoci i link se vuoi poi visto che sai l'inglese vai a e se ti iscrivi alla mia mailing list ti scarichi un sacco di cose carine graaaatis.
a presto Paolo

Anonimo ha detto...

Regola 1 per fare soldi su web: IMPARARE L'HTML :D

Che ne pensi di yuwie? Ho trovato una guida carina in italiano, mi sembra promettente... l'hai mai provato? funziona?

Unknown ha detto...

Ciao laura , lascia stare pitt che a il nome di un ....anchio sto facendo con un'amica quacosa su internet.Purtroppo noi ci arrangiamo con i traduttori , ma va bene così per il momento , abbiamo un sito cioè lei ha 2 siti ed io 1 e 1 blog se vuoi possimo tenerci in conttatto per scambiarci link e esperienze.
Il sito che abbiamo in comune è : ,
mentre il mio blog che tratta il guadagno online è :

Unknown ha detto...

Scusa dimenticavo , non so come hai fatto il blog , se lo hai fatto tu o no . Non so se riesco ad aiutarti ma possiamo vedere di modificarlo se vuoi .
a presto luciano

kappac ha detto...

Lauretta, grano? sisisisisisi

Anonimo ha detto...

Soldi Online Sii , come un sito molto carino che ho trovato nel mare di internet, cmq vada ognuno può fare ciò che gli pare , ma......guadagnare senza fare nulla.....bè lascio a voi le conclusioni.
Ciao laurabi se vuoi visita il mio blog e lasciami un commento ne sarò felice , anche critico tutto è apprendimento.
Un Abbraccio


Many individuals that are in search of clearing their minds
from daily worries and stress turn to meditation. But is
there a 100% efficient meditation technique? The facts are
that there can be found various meditation techniques -
some of them quite specialized and detailed - but there are
a few steps that need to be followed regardless of the
chosen method: the breathing, the relaxing and the
meditation itself. Here they are!

How to Breathe

The first thing you should know is that there is no
effective meditation technique without a proper breathing.
Basically, you need to focus on your breathing, to breathe
in slowly, yet deeply and to let the air out as slowly as
you can, but without making effort. Try to think that the
air is clean and pure, that it comes straight from God,
from the perfect nature or from other positive, ideal
sources. Furthermore, try to feel that the breathing is
cleaning your entire body and that it is helping your body
loosen up. Some individuals find it useful to try to breath
as slowly as possible and, at the same time, as quietly as
possible - try to think like you are "whispering" your

How to Relax

Meditation and relaxation go hand in hand and depend on
each other, so make sure that you are committed to begin a
complex and unite meditation exercises program, a program
that is based on a previous relaxation and detachment from
worries and problems. But how can you make sure that you
reach the needed level of relaxation? Well, first of all,
you need to be surrounded by a welcoming, appealing and
intimate decor that can permit you relax and meditate.
Select the place where you feel most comfortable and at

How to Meditate

The wide range of meditation tools and techniques permits
you to find the one that is most suitable for you. But
there is one meditation technique that seems to be very
popular and easily applicable: the visualization meditation
practice. The only question here is: "What should you
visualize?" the answer is quite simple: you should
visualize the one thing that makes you feel relaxed, happy,
satisfied or that induces any other feeling you enjoy.
Basically, it can be anything: a moment that happened, a
moment that you expect to happen, an activity that relaxes
you, a fantasy, a trip to an exotic island or, why not, to
your own room or home (the place where you feel safest and
best), a natural element, your loved ones and the list can
go on and on.

When you are imagining or picturing the selected moment or
element, you have to let all its beauty invade you, you
have to be receptive to all the stimulants that it offers
you, to enjoy it in all the ways you can. Observe your
selected element carefully, slowly, be attentive to the
details. Live the emotions that it creates with intensity
and you will live the meditation experience at high

Once you have started to meditate, make sure you practice
your meditation technique every day or at least every other
day and make sure you follow the above tips, in order to
get to the desired results. Remember that meditation is a
key to a better health, a better sleep, a better focus and,
in general, to a better life, so those 10 minutes every day
are worth it!=-=-
Want To Quiet The Mind, Supercharge Your Energy Level &
reated a FREE audio e-course with meditation
techniques toManifest What You Truly Desire In Life?

We've c get you started. You'll get guided meditations
to help you transform your life from the inside-out

You know sometimes we're so busy chasing goals
that we lose ourselves in the process. Remember
the story of the goose that laid the golden egg?

One day, a farmer discovers his pet goose has
laid a golden egg. But instead of looking after
the goose and nurturing it, he decides to splice
open it's belly to get more eggs!

To his dismay, the farmer doesn't find any more
golden eggs and even worse, the goose is now dead!

Being successful is not just about getting more
golden eggs or results. If you want to be happy
in the long run, you also need to take care of
the asset that creates your results - that is YOU!

My fiend Matt Clarkson has an excellent e-course
which has helped thousands of people just like you.

You'll learn the simple meditations and breathing
exercises you need to achieve your highest ambitions
and be fulfilled.

In fact, you'll not only learn plenty of ways to
reduce stress, you can even listen to his
meditations online right here, right now:
